SEPTEMBER 5, 1913 - MAY 4, 1914
Northeast classes met in the above building (present Junior College, Eleventh and Locust) in afternoon sessions until
the present building was completed.
Northeast High School was established in 1913 and its location was given as "East Side Abington, Smart to Thompson."
The first semester classes were held in Old Central building at Eleventh and Locust. The new building was completed and occupied
May 4, 1914 at a cost of about $625.000. School bonds outstanding (1913) were $7923,000, the annual interest being $314,860.
The 1913014 enrollment in elementary schools was 37,901; in the high schools 5,324. The assessed valuation of the district
was $180,672,820.
The 1937-38 school property value was $31,701,445 and the district assessment valuation was $496,324,140. The present
school enrollment in elementary schools is 42,985; in the high schools 14,943; all others 9,430.
The members of the Board of Education were Milton Moore, President; hale H. Cook, Vice-President; J. Scott Harrison,
Henrly L. McCune, William T. Bland and William Volker. E. F. Swinney was Treasurer, James B. Jackson, Secretary; I. I. Cammack,
Superintendent and J. M. Greenwood, Advisor to the Board. Since the building was occupied, a metal shop and girls' gymnasium
have been added. Also, the Charles B Reynolds Memorial Field has been acquired at a cost of about $30,000. There have been
26 members on the Board since Northeast was built, including three women--Mrs. Carolyn F. Fuller, Miss Annette Moore and Mrs.
Frank E. Dorsey.
The original Northeast faculty consisted of 19 men and 23 women. Thirty-two are still living, seven of whom are still
at Northeast and nine are in other Kansas City schools.