In addition to the VIKING SHE-TIGER, there is another type of date-predator at Thou Dear: The VIKING HE-LION.
No female student is safe from these socially ambitious creatures.
From out of nowhere, he grabs a victim:
"Ah, me proud beauty! First, it's a movie at the National and then over to SMAKS for a snack!"
(Notice the two girls who pretend to be typing while all the while smirking at what has just transpired)

1964 Nor'easter |
Even at an Assembly in the
auditorium, no girl is safe:
"My dear, you are so round,
so firm, so fully packed!"

Nor'easter 1964 |
Caught in the act.

1964 Nor'easter |
"No! I will not go out on a date with you!
Just sit back there and let me study!"
(picture below)

1964 Nor'easter |
"Help! I'm trapped in the
cage with a He-Lion!"

1969 Nor'easter |
A female student hides behind the curtain
when she sees a He-Lion head her way.

1964 Nor'easter |
In desperation, a girl student
disguises herself as a man.

1963 Nor'easter |
These girls think they'll be
safe if they hide inside their megaphones.
(picture below)

1963 Nor'easter |
"They'll think I'm a football player
and one of the boys!"

1969 Nor'easter |
A girl has fainted on the floor from being accosted by a He-Lion.
Fed up with the situation, some of the girls decide to organize a
posse to capture the date-predators.

1964 Nor'easter |
The posse elects famous cowgirl,
"Hopalong" Carter as their leader.

1966 Nor'easter |
One of the girls spots a
date-predator and prepares
to beat the drum warning.

1966 Nor'easter |
The President of G.A.S.P.
(Girls Against Social Predators),
reads the rule book concerning
dating etiquette to a captured He-Lion.
(picture below)

1959 Nor'easter |