During the 1957-58 school year, James Elementary had a special event to select a King and Queen
for the school. Each classroom had a Prince and a Princess selected to be represented. It cost 10 cents each time to vote
for the candidate of your choice. The money was used for school projects. The eventual winners came from the Kindergarten
(as if that is any surprise). My brother was one of the 4th Grade Princes. The girl from his room selected as Princess was
Linda Ambro. Below, I have shown pictures which were taken of the event by the school and copies were made for family and
others who wanted them.
I am attempting to put names with the pictures. If anyone can help me out and help me match names
with pictures, it would be appreciated. The original photos scanned lighter than I expected, so I had some reprints made which
scanned darker. Unfortunately, one of the reprints scanned lighter than the original.
Thanks, GARRY

Girl ?
Back Row: ? ? ? Ron Jenkins ?
? Larry Dashner ? ? ? ? Gary Brumley
Front Row: ? ? David Jackson crown bearer ?
King ?

Teacher ?
Back Row: Kay Alexander ? ? ? ?
? ? ? ? ? ?
Front Row: King ? Queen? crown bearer ? Linda
Ambro ? ? ? ? ? ?

Back Row: ? Mike Plater ? ? ?
? ? ? ?
Front Row: crown bearer? King? Queen? crown bearer?