It's funny how words and phrases change over a period of time as well as life styles. Below is a list
of words and phrases said when I was growing up in the 50's and 60's as compared to now. I will add others as I think of them.
The words on the left were said when America was at its greatest. The words on the right are being said as America is on the
allies coalition
car jack
car jack
(used to change a tire) (to steal
a car)
CD = Civil Defense
CD = Compact Disc
"Check the mailbox."
"Check the E-mail."
strong man
gay (happy, light-hearted) gay (homosexual)
Google (Internet search engine)
(Barney Google comic strip)
heat indexes
heat indices
"I've Got You Babe!" "
I've got YouTube!"
life jacket
personal floatation device
police officer
public servant
sound as the dollar
inflated/devalued dollar
flight attendant
swipe (steal)
swipe (use a credit card)
"Take it or leave it!" "Deal
or no deal!"
'Til death do us part wife Trophy wife
entitlement programs
working father
Instead of using Lincoln's, "Government of the People, by the People and for the People" and also adding,
"With Liberty and Justice for all, the Justice Department has decided to use Jenk's, "The common law is the will of Mankind
issuing from the life of the People." Jenks wanted to scrap the Constitution and force Americans to accept International law. It
appears that the Obama administration agrees with this concept. Go to: where the red, white and blue flag decorations have been removed and replaced by black and gray.
In addition to the different way things are said today, there are many contradictions we are going through
in America. Below are some double standards being practiced in America.
If we lie to Congress, it's a felony. If Congress lies to the people, it's just politics.
If someone dislikes a minority, it's considered racist. If a minority dislikes the majority, it's considered
their 1st Amendment rights.
Billions are spent to rehabilitate criminals. Very little is spent for the victims.
It's okay to kill an unborn child. It's not okay to execute a mass murderer.
America cannot control her southern border with Mexico. She has no problem controlling the 38th parallel
in Korea.
If you protest against the President's actions, you are a terrorist. If you burn an American flag, it's
your 1st Amendment right.
Pornography and all kinds of violence and filth are allowed on TV and the Internet. Nativity scenes
are not allowed in schools and parks, etc. Of course, that could be because it's impossible to find 3 wise men and a virgin
among politicians.
People who commit crimes are no longer considered criminals. They are considered to be sick and should not
be punished.
Money is taken from loyal honest people who work hard. Then, the money is given to those who are not loyal
and don't want to work, illegal immigrants and foreign countries who hate America.
We have freedom of speech. Even so, we have to be politically correct.
It's okay to use a human fetus for research. It's not okay to use an animal for research.
A criminal can use any method he wants to murder a victim. The State is not allowed to use any method it
wants to execute the murderer.
As a man once pointed out, here's how the politicians handle a crisis:
1) They appoint a committee to determine who's at fault.
2) Then they threaten the committee for it's findings.
3) They pass a law that raises taxes.
4) They tell us the problem is solved.
5) Instead of seeing the country is run correctly, they focus on their reelection campaigns.