occidental - Something nobody meant to happen.
oculist - Someone who plays the ocarina.
octagon - Sea creature with 8 arms.
okie dokie - Same as yip.
one - The opposite of lost.
optometrist - Someone who has a rosy outlook on life.
opus - First name of Sheriff Taylor's boy on "The Andy Griffith Show".
option - Event where people bid on items.
organ - State in the NW part of America.
pampas - Disposable diapers.
pastor - A place where cows graze.
patina - Half of a famous singing duo known as, "Ike and Patina Turner".
paws - To stop momentarily.
PBS - Something women get every month that makes them cranky.
pear - Two of a kind.
peony - Small horse.
perigree - A small talking bird.
perish - Capital of France.
peruse - Country in South America.
pew - Bad smell.
philatelist - Someone who thinks the World is going to end.
Phoenix - Mythological bird that lives in Arizona.
phosphate - Gland in the urinary system that only males have.
phylum - What you do to finger nails when they get too long.
pillar - Something you lay your head on.
pistachio - Wooden boy puppet who came to life and started hanging out with a talking cricket.
pigment - Something a hog chews to keep his breath fresh.
placard - An old time automobile.
platelets - Small dishes.
Plato - The name of Mickey Mouse's dog.
poke - Meat that comes from a pig.
politician - Either an imbecile working his way up to become an idiot or a career criminal. Political party makes no
popular - Type of tree.
porcupine - Fat conifer tree.
precedent - Head of a country.
predicate - An animal that preys on another animal.
profane - Gas used in heating homes and to cook food.
prints - Son of a King.
prism - Place where bad people go.
profit - Someone who can predict the future.
pronoun - A noun that has lost its amateur status.
prose - Guys who play professional sports.
provenance - Capitol of Rhode Island.
pupa - School student.
purpose - Sea creature something like a dolphin.
pyrite - Man with a black patch over one eye,
a parrot on his shoulder and says "arr" a lot.
quandary - Place where people take their clothes to be washed and ironed.
- A small game bird.
quest - A certain brand of toothpaste.
quid - Refers to the following:
1. Young person. A famous youthful outlaw of the Old West was known
as, "Billy the Quid."
2. Young goat
3. To joke around. Such as to quid a person. The person then might say,
"Are you quidding me?!"
quilt - Something a Scotsman wears while playing the bagpipes.
ratification - The act of squealing on somebody.
recession - Period of time that school children get to play.
red herring - A Communist fish.
reign - Precipitation that falls from the sky.
reincarnation - Popular brand of condensed milk.
relativity - Referring to one's relationship with family members.
relevant - Big Gray animal that has a long trunk.
reverie - Sports official who makes sure everybody plays by the rules.
rivet - What a frog says.
robust - Female robot.
roe - What you do to propel a small boat.
Salem - What people do when they have boats.
sarong - Opposite of saright.
sextant - Singing group composed of six people.
seizure - Roman ruler.
simmer - Hottest season of the year.
share - Singing partner of Sonny Bono.
shedding - The act of building small storage buildings.
shofar - Hired man who drives a car for somebody.
silverware - Clothes for the Lone Ranger's horse.
skittish - Referring to things of Scotland.
slur - Title given to Knights of old such as Slur Galahad and Slur Lancelot.
sower - Having aches and pains.
spectators - Certain preparation of potatoes such as friedtators and mashedtators.
- Country run by male deer.
stalking - something you wear on your foot.
stature - Sculpture made out of rock, metal or some
other substance.
stirrup - To cause something to happen. EX: "He likes to deliberately stirrup trouble."
- Place where people keep money.
sturgeon - Doctor who operates on people.
suet - Article of clothing usually worn by men.
suppository - Safe place to keep your money.
- The evening meal.
tangent - Gentleman who has spent some time out in the Sun.
taut - Past tense of teach.
taxidermist - Doctor who treats cab drivers with skin disorders.
tenet - Someone who lives in
an apartment and pays rent.
tense - Places for campers to sleep in.
terrain - Railroad engine and cars.
tetrahedron - Flying reptile from the dinosaur age who had many sides.
thesaurus - Extinct dinosaur that used to read a lot.
thirsty - Fifth day of the week.
thong - Written melody for vocalizing.
thrombosis - Musical instrument with a long slide.
timbre - Pertaining to forests and trees.
tinnitis - Fear of the number 10.
tofu - A form of self-defense using the foot.
tortilla - Female tortoise.
towed - Frog-like amphibious creature.
trader - Someone who betrays others.
transition - Part of the automobile that changes gears.
tray - Three of a kind.
trigonometry - The study of Roy Rogers' horse, "Trigger".
tulips - What everyone has on their mouth.
tuner - A large food fish found in the ocean. Some people like to have a tuner salad sandwich for lunch.
ulcer - City in Ireland.
udder - To speak. To say something.
urine - Hillbilly possessive. EX: "T'aint urine, 'tis myine."
valet - Method of dancing on your toes.
vegetarian - Person who takes care of sick animals.
vendetta - Italian sports car.
Viking - An extremely good-looking and intelligent person who attended Northeast High School in Kansas City, Missouri.
violence - The Plural of violin.
volley - A piece of low land between hills or mountains.
wader - Someone who serves you at a restaurant.
wail - A big sea creature.
we - French for "Yes".
weasel - Something an artist uses to paint a picture on.
whaler - Someone who cries a lot.
whelk - Famous bandleader.
whether - Meaning climate conditions such as sunshine, rain, sleet and snow, etc.
whine - Drink made from grapes.
why - Twenty-fifth letter of the alphabet.
wiener - Someone who comes in first.
yak - Talk a lot.
yawl - Hillbilly possessive. EX: "Yawl come back now, ya heah!"
yawning - A shade over a door or window that keeps the sun out.
yellow journalism - The act
of using newspapers to potty train a new puppy.
yip - Yes
yoke - Funny story.
zeal - Aquatic mammal with flippers, sometimes seen in a circus balancing a ball on its nose.
zinc - Place where you wash the dishes.
kinda/sorta - Maybe?!
coulda/woulda - Pretty please!