Over the years I have collected items related to NEHS. Many of these items I plan to donate to the Alumni Association
so that Classmates can see the history of their school in person, instead of reading about it in a book and looking at pictures.
I am a humble and simple man, so please don't bother about giving a ticker tape parade or a testimonial dinner in my honor.
However, if anyone wants to erect a statue in my honor and put it in front of the school building, that would be okay.
Not sure what year this class ring is from. Believe it to be before 1930. Don't know what metal it is made from.
As you can see by the lettering, the ring is somewhat worn. It's a size 3. It either belonged to a small student or perhaps
the ring was sized down and given to a child.
This is a student lunch token. Don't know the years it was used, but believe it to be made before 1930.
This is a press photo, probably taken by a Kansas City news photographer. Duplicates would have been sent to
other newspapers for publication concerning education. It was stamped June 17, 1920 by the N.E.A (I think the initials stand
for National Education Association).
1934 diploma given to student, Orville Howard Goodrich. Don't know if the white ribbon with the envelope was
part of the deal. Anyway, it was with the diploma.
These are some of the graduation name cards that were passed out to Classmates during the 1930's.
I don't know what this item is. It might have been part of a diploma holder.
1930 NEHS Handbook owned by student Roy Rushton.
This is a pamphlet that was given to students concerning English grammar. It listed the rules for capitalization,
punctuation, sentence and paragraph structure, etc.
This is a program concerning the National contest pertaining to the U.S. Constitution.
This is a letter from one Classmate to another. The right half is page one and the left half is page 4.
The left half is page 3 and the right half is page 4.
This is a 1942 NEHS class ring made of 14K gold.
News clippings from either the Kansas City Times or Star.
This is a First Day Cover signed by alumnus Mort Walker, who created the famous Beetle Bailey cartoons. Unknown
where or when the FDC was signed. As far as I know, Mort never used cursive, he always printed his name.