By Roberta Holt-Kipper '69
Many of you may wonder what goes on in Lyal Viers Alumni Room during the school year. We work with students
on research projects, get information for fellow alumni and occasionally get an opportunity to connect with a special request.
Mr. Hayter had a request, but first he had a story.
Mr. Hayter came from southern Missouri sometime in early 1941, arrived on a bus and lived in a boarding
house for one specific reaosn. That reason was to play basketball under Coach Reaves Peters. He played just that one season,
but still remembers it very well after 68 years. His request was to replace his "N" which had lain dormant in a foot locker
for all these years and sadly, was moth eaten.
Col. Hayter went on to serve in the USAF as a navigator in the highly honored 90th bombing gjroup known
as the "Jolly Rogers". During WWII, he flew 50 combat missions in the South Pacific. His group became famous for their
success against Japanese shipping installations. This bombing group destroyed over 500 enemy fighters, more than any other
bombing group.
He is now retired and wants to leave his grandchildren his letter "N" from his short time at NE. Coach Shottel
generously gave me the needed "N's". I made copies of his photos in the 1941 annual and sent them to him. He is currently
writing his memoirs and has promised us a copy.
Stories like this are what make our alumni so special. We wish each and every one of our alumni a wonderful
Veteran's Day. We are proud of you and your service to our country.
If you would like more information regarding Col. Hayter's group, Google the 90th Bomb Group and you will
find the complete history of the group, as well as pictures of their last target. Their website has over 1000 pictures to
We had this special opportunity to meet Col. Hayter because of the Letterman's "N".
Volume 16 Issue 2
Fall 2009